Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Some thoughts on the teaching of J Krishnamurti

Looking to the life of J. Krishnamurti, looking to what he was able to let go (he denied the 'Jagad-Guru-ship' which Theosophical Society was all set to bestow upon him, and choose to remain an ordinary person), looking to the honesty in his teaching, looking to the depth of his teaching, it feels that his being was of very high level, at least beyond the level of man number 5.

(Man number 5 means a person who has attaining the control over the third State of Consciousness and has Inner Unity and is fully objective towards oneself, and has connection with the Higher Emotional Center, the seat of self-less conscious love.)

However, when I happened to discuss with a person who use to read J. Krishnamurti and try to honestly follow his teaching, that person told me, "It's a wonderful feeling when I listen to J. Krishnamurti or when I read his writings, but when I try to live his teaching in ordinary day-to-day life, I am not able to apply it, it somehow eludes me, for example, in the moment of inner conflict, I am not able to understand what it exactly means and how to practically apply his teaching of "observed and observer is one", and it do not end my inner conflict, rather, on the contrary, my inability to practically apply it makes that inner conflict even more dense!" Similar is the experience of many other persons whom I personally know and who try to honestly follow the teaching of J. Krishnamurti.

Then, the question is, why it is so, what is the exact issue?

On the basis of my own reading of his teaching earlier, I personally feel that the real issue is, the beginning point of his teaching itself is of very high order, he seems to assume that listeners are able to see inside of them impartially and fully, in other words, it practically means that listeners are in the sustained third state of consciousness and can transform and melt their inner conflict into "Real I". However, it takes a very high level of being, and it needs efforts for a long time to attain this level of being, but, surprisingly it seems that somehow J. Krishnamurti assumed (impliedly) that listeners are already at that level, or, in other words, that level is the natural state for a human being, which is not the case in fact.

Though, while listening to or reading such teachings it may give good and exalted feeling, but, without the sense of scale and relativity, without the understanding of difference in various levels of being, and without knowing and applying the exact tool needed at each level, it is not possible to ascend on the ladder of evolution. From this point of view,
the understanding of the principle of Scale & Relativity is the most fundamental, significant and scientific contributions of the Fourth Way (Gurdjieff system) in the spiritual arena.

J. Krishnamurti's teaching is a teaching for ‘transformation’ and can become practically useful for a person who has attained such level of being where one is able to understand the significance of the third state of consciousness and is able to sustain it, and has the objective knowledge of various levels of being and has the understanding of the needs of various levels of being.

- 23/05/2018

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