Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Some thoughts on the teaching of J Krishnamurti

Looking to the life of J. Krishnamurti, looking to what he was able to let go (he denied the 'Jagad-Guru-ship' which Theosophical Society was all set to bestow upon him, and choose to remain an ordinary person), looking to the honesty in his teaching, looking to the depth of his teaching, it feels that his being was of very high level, at least beyond the level of man number 5.

(Man number 5 means a person who has attaining the control over the third State of Consciousness and has Inner Unity and is fully objective towards oneself, and has connection with the Higher Emotional Center, the seat of self-less conscious love.)

However, when I happened to discuss with a person who use to read J. Krishnamurti and try to honestly follow his teaching, that person told me, "It's a wonderful feeling when I listen to J. Krishnamurti or when I read his writings, but when I try to live his teaching in ordinary day-to-day life, I am not able to apply it, it somehow eludes me, for example, in the moment of inner conflict, I am not able to understand what it exactly means and how to practically apply his teaching of "observed and observer is one", and it do not end my inner conflict, rather, on the contrary, my inability to practically apply it makes that inner conflict even more dense!" Similar is the experience of many other persons whom I personally know and who try to honestly follow the teaching of J. Krishnamurti.

Then, the question is, why it is so, what is the exact issue?

On the basis of my own reading of his teaching earlier, I personally feel that the real issue is, the beginning point of his teaching itself is of very high order, he seems to assume that listeners are able to see inside of them impartially and fully, in other words, it practically means that listeners are in the sustained third state of consciousness and can transform and melt their inner conflict into "Real I". However, it takes a very high level of being, and it needs efforts for a long time to attain this level of being, but, surprisingly it seems that somehow J. Krishnamurti assumed (impliedly) that listeners are already at that level, or, in other words, that level is the natural state for a human being, which is not the case in fact.

Though, while listening to or reading such teachings it may give good and exalted feeling, but, without the sense of scale and relativity, without the understanding of difference in various levels of being, and without knowing and applying the exact tool needed at each level, it is not possible to ascend on the ladder of evolution. From this point of view,
the understanding of the principle of Scale & Relativity is the most fundamental, significant and scientific contributions of the Fourth Way (Gurdjieff system) in the spiritual arena.

J. Krishnamurti's teaching is a teaching for ‘transformation’ and can become practically useful for a person who has attained such level of being where one is able to understand the significance of the third state of consciousness and is able to sustain it, and has the objective knowledge of various levels of being and has the understanding of the needs of various levels of being.

- 23/05/2018

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The 'Work' from the point of view of Laws of various Worlds

What does 96 laws, 48 laws, 24 laws etc. practically means in connection with human psyche, how to verify it?

It is a given fact that at World1 there is only one law, that is, will of the absolute. At World3 there are 3 laws. At World6 there are 6 laws (3 of its own + 3 of World3 = 6). At World12 there are 12 laws (3 of its own + 6 of World6 + 3 of World3 = 12). At World24 there are 24 laws (3 of its own + 12 of World12 + 6 of World6 + 3 of World3 = 24). At World48 there are 48 laws (3 of its own + 24 of World24 + 12 of World12 + 6 of World6 + 3 of World3 = 48). At World96 there are 96 laws (3 of its own + 48 of World48 + 24 of World24 + 12 of World12 + 6 of World6 + 3 of World3 = 96).

To understand in simple terms the difference among the laws of various orders (levels) we have to proceed from top to bottom. At World3 level there are three laws, three laws means three forces, of the highest order, of the highest vibration & purity, forming trinity (law of three) of the highest order, which occupies the entire space of the World3. From psychological point of view, this law of three manifests as the ‘Law of Tao/Tathata’ and from Physics point of view this law manifests as ‘Particle Binding Mechanism’.

At World6 level three laws, three forces of its own order (of the 2nd order, less pure than that of Word3) enter and forms 2nd level of trinity, 2nd level of law of three - from psychological point of view, this new law of three manifests as the ‘Law of Conscious Wish’ and from Physics point of view this new law of three manifests as ‘Nucleus Binding Mechanism’.  So at World6 level there came into existence 2 orders of law of three. Out of the total space of the World6, usually 50% space is occupied by the law of three of World6 (its own) and 50% space is occupied by the law of three of World3.

At World12 level three laws, three forces of its own order (of the 3rd order, less pure than that of Word6) enter and forms 3rd level of trinity, 3rd level of law of three - from psychological point of view, this new law of three manifests as the ‘Law of Will’ and from Physics point of view this new law of three manifests as the ‘
Electron Binding Mechanism’. So at World12 level, there came into existence 3 orders of law of three. Out of the total space of World12, usually 50% space is occupied by the law of three of World12 (its own), 25% space is occupied by the law of three of World6 and 25% space is occupied by the law of three of World3.

At World24 level three laws, three forces of its own order (of the 4th order, less pure than that of Word12) enter and forms 4th level of trinity, 4th level of law of three - from psychological point of view, this new law of three manifests as the ‘Law of Fate/Type’ and from Physics point of view this new law of three manifest as the ‘Chemical Bonding Mechanism’. So at World24 level, there came into existence 4 orders of law of three. Out of the total space of World24, usually 50% space is occupied by the law of three of World24, 25% space is occupied by the law of three of World12, 12.5% space is occupied by the law of three of World6 and 12.5% space is occupied by the law of three of World3.

At World48 level three laws, three forces of its own order (of the 5th order, less pure than that of Word24) enter and forms 5th level of trinity, 5th level of law of three - from psychological point of view, this new law of three manifests as the ‘Law of Cause & Effect’ or may be called as the ‘Law of Karma’. So at World48 level, there came into existence 5 orders of law of three. Out of the total space of World48, usually 50% space is occupied by the law of three of World48, 25% space is occupied by the law of three of World24, 12.5% space is occupied by the law of three of World12, 6.25% space is occupied by the law of three of World6 and 6.25% space is occupied by the law of three of World3.

At World96 level three laws, three forces of its own order (of the 6th order, of the lowest purity) enter and forms 6th level of trinity, 6th level of law of three - from psychological point of view, this new law of three manifests as the ‘Law of Accident’. So at World96 level, there came into existence 6 orders of law of three. Out of the total space of World96, usually 50% space is occupied by the law of three of World96 (its own), 25% space is occupied by the law of three of World48, 12.5% space is occupied by the law of three of World24, 6.25% space is occupied by the law of three of World12, 3.12% space is occupied by the law of three of World6 and 3.12% space is occupied by the law of three of World3.

Astronomical Level
Psychological Level
Its own law - Physics
Its own law - Psychological
The Absolute
Brahmi State

Atman State (Buddhatva)
Particle Binding Mechanism
Law of Tao
4th State -Objective Consciousness
Nucleus Binding Mechanism
Law of Conscious Wish
Solar System
3rd State – Self-Consciousness
Electron Binding Mechanism
Law of Will
Planetary Sphere
State of Essence
Chemical Bonding Mechanism’
Law of Fate/Type
Organic Life
State of Good Householder

Law of Cause & Effect
State of False Personality

Law of Accident

From this we can see that as one goes down the ladder of Worlds, less and less space is occupied by law of three of higher Worlds and more and more space is occupied by law of three of lower Worlds. However, human organism contains the energies of all Worlds in above stated usual proportions. And it is a rule that energy of whichever World is active in the organism, in that moment it attracts and absorbs the energy of that level. For example, when the energy of World12 (manifesting as the ‘Law of Will’), the energy of consciousness, is made intentionally active in one’s organism by efforts of non-identifying and by efforts of self-remembering, it attracts and absorbs the energy of the same level and the proportion of the energy of that level will increases in the organism. Here lies the key of increasing the energy of higher Worlds in one’s organism and moving up on the ladder of evolution.

So, from the point of view of practical work for liberating oneself from the lower laws, one has to think in terms of understanding the quality of inner three forces (Sattv, Rajas and Tamas) manifesting at one’s current level and the quality of inner three forces (Sattv, Rajas and Tamas) that can manifest at the next higher level, and try to move up towards the next higher level. For example, at World96 level, at False Personality level, the operative Law of Three is the Law of Accident – its three forces (Sattv, Rajas and Tamas) from psychological point of view are manifesting as (1) lack of discipline - the Neutralizing Force (2) Craving - the Active Force, and (3) Utter mechanicalness of one’s Chief-Feature - the passive force.

When one understands this and try to put oneself under the work-discipline and also try to reduce too much of identification with his craving and makes it as reasonable desire, it means, in that moment, he has moved up and has come under the Law of Three of the next higher level, which is the Law of Cause & Effect, the  three forces (Sattv, Rajas and Tamas) of which  manifest as (1) Directed attention &   intentionality - the Neutralizing Force (2) Desire - the Active Force, and (3) Usual mechanicalness - the passive force. If one does this, in that moment, one is free from the entire set of laws and limitations arising out of the Law of Accident, in connection with the psychological matters. And so on for the next higher levels.

(The characteristics of inner three forces, that is, of Sattv, Rajas and Tamas have been described in the 14th Chapter of the Bhagwad Geeta and also in Hindu Sankhya Darshan)

So, one need not bother too much about counting these 96 or 48 laws, one just need to focus on these 6 chief laws and try to observe and verify their workings within oneself, and try to look for the possibility of moving up. For more details about this one may refer author's book “An Organic Whole of All & Everything”.

- 22/05/2018

Monday, May 21, 2018

Some thoughts on the Process of Growth - 1-2-3

Growth is an ongoing natural process, natural in the sense that in this Process (Triad) the Active Force acts on the Passive Force in all encompassing presence of the Neutralizing Force. All the Three Forces occupy their natural places in this Triad. This Process (Triad) includes the phenomena of growth, expansion, spread, multiplication etc., for example, growth of one's business, expansion of the Universe, multiplication of seeds, and so on.

Then, from the practical point of view, why one person is able to expand his business or multiply his riches and another person tries and tries but not able to expand or multiply, and still another person tries to expand and multiply but on the contrary shrinks and reduces his riches - in all these three cases the universally applicable Process (Triad) is the same but the results are different, then, What is the difference? How to go about it? What is the secret?

From human activity and psychological characteristics point of view, this Process (Triad) is crystallized, is part of the Essence, in typical Venusian Body-Typed person. He, if developed and 'exalted', would understand the conduciveness or otherwise of the prevailing situation and would make appropriately sympathetic and direct efforts, overcoming lethargy, that is, without waiting for others to initiate, and is most likely to achieve desired Growth or expansion (may be of business or in human relationship etc.).

So the secret is to understand the prevailing situation in the matter and make appropriately sympathetic and direct efforts, overcoming the lethargy. Strategic brand building (creating conducive condition) efforts coupled with aggressive marketing efforts (direct efforts overcoming lethargy) of Multinational Corporates is an exact example of using this Process (Triad) successfully in business world. In the same way an excellent human relationship ability of a typical Venusian Body-Typed person is an example of this Process (Triad) in the inter-personal relationship sphere.

But, if one is not able to understand the exact needs of the prevailing situation or not able to make direct appropriate sympathetic efforts, he may try and try to expand but will fail. Further, if one puss too much by direct non-sensitive efforts in non-conducive situation, it will produce the resistance of the Second Force, it will create bad image, and on the contrary the process will shrink instead of ‘growing’.

We may try to understand this process from another point of view, for example, Dr.  A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (11th President of India)’s last book was sold in millions numbers in a short time. In this case the presence of the most conducive Third Force in terms of his worldwide reputation as a great person of the great integrity was already there, and the initiation by the sympathetic First Force in terms of writing a wonderful book, overcame the negligible Second Force (obstacle, if there was any) and achieved a tremendous Growth in terms of selling copies in millions numbers. Now suppose there is another person of an ordinary reputation, having Essence in creative writing, writes a quality book – in this case a good sympathetic First Force in terms of quality written material is there, but due to the lack of the presence of conducive Third Force in terms of author’s ordinary reputation, the Growth in terms of number of copies sold will be comparatively much limited.

Then, what is a way out in such cases? In this case he has to focus on the First Force (which is in his hands) and continue to make consistent efforts of writing a good useful material, overcoming the Second Force in terms of his own lethargy, laziness or depressive feeling that may arise out of initial failure, and thereby little by little produce a conducive Third Force in terms of reputation as a good author, and achieve the Growth in the long run. The same fundamentals apply for achieving the Growth in other fields of activity.

- 21/05/2018