I was just asking myself, What the phrase "Truth liberates" practically means for me? Have I ever knowingly or unknowingly experienced such moments of liberation so far? If yes, then, what I mean by Liberation? Obviously by Liberation I do not mean “Moksha or Nirwana” in traditional sense. For me Liberation means a moment of beautiful state of Being when there is clear absence of inner chatter, emotional turmoil propelled by inner compulsions, or uneasiness of guts, and there is clear perception of facts without any condemnation or attachment, and so unbiased, uncompelled decisiveness & action becomes possible on its own. We all have experienced such few beautiful scattered moments in life.
What sets in this process of liberation? It says, Truth Liberates. What we mean by truth here? When one sees in the moment bare fact, leaving aside one’s likes-dislikes, opinion or the immediate beneficiality of the thing in question, a strange feeling of beauty, peace, freedom & here-now-ness comes into being. This is a moment of freedom, liberation. However, it has different degrees & scales. So, by seeing the fact as fact, truth comes into being for one in the moment.
It moves, proceeds moment to moment so it can never be static. Now one experiences such moment of freedom but in the next moment if the inner verbal process of opinion forming begins, or like-dislike or fearful uneasiness of guts comes into picture, one loses it and again one is in ordinary state of Being. So, the question is, is it possible to increase the frequency of such beautiful moments, and when it really occurs, is it possible to prolong it?
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