Sunday, February 21, 2010

Will - the function of Awakened Intelligence

When one attains the Chitta-Vriti-Nirodha state, that is, when the scattered Chitta-Vritis (the content of diffused attention) collects together, and becomes aware of itself and the object of observation both simultaneously; then because of this two-pointed awareness, it becomes unattached (non-identified) towards the outside objects – this outside objects may be something that exists outside the body, or it may be a thought, emotion, sensation, or moving impulse. This is the Sakshibhava; or the third state of consciousness; or Mandukya Upanishad’s Vishva, the first Pada (quarter) of Brahm.

When, in the prolonged moments of third state of consciousness, the Intelligence realizes that it is not really bound to take decisions according to the chaos of the internal fight between four lower centers; it awakens and becomes aware of its powers to take decisions, and of the fact that the Mind (four lower centers) follows its decision without any resistance, provided it was taken independent of that chaos – this marks the emergence of the will. Such will issues down from the above; down towards heart from the forehead (not from the brain but from the third-eye), this is not a metaphor but an actual material fact, which can be experienced.

This also marks the cessation of wrong work of the four lower centers and the misuse of sex energy by them; and this causes the Mind to become quite and one pointed (that is, the four lower center become unified).

Thus all the three forces are upgraded to next level of evolution (world 12): will, the function of awakened Intelligence, is Rajasa-12 (1st force); the silenced and unified Mind is Tamasa-12 (2nd force); and Chitta-Vriti-Nirodha state, the third state of consciousness is Sattva-12 (3rd force). Putting in other words we can say that Awakened Intelligence is Carbon-12, the Unified Mind is Oxygen-12, the third state of consciousness is Nitrogen-12; and the purified Ego or Soul - which include in itself all the three - is Hydrogen-12 (Father, mother, and son: carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. The family is hydrogen). The beginning of a new family is the son; therefore, first of all one should make efforts to attain the third state of consciousness; then this 3rd force will help the Intelligence (1st force) to awaken, and to control the Mind, the four lower centers, (2nd force). This whole activity is the domain of fully developed Higher Emotional Center.

The nature has given man the sex energy, which is of the level of world-12, say C-12, as it is Rajasic, the creative energy. But four lower centers fight among themselves to consume this energy - ordinary intellect (verbal thought process) misuses it in uncontrolled inner chattering & wishful fantacy, emotional center misuses it in feeling and expressing anger, hate, dejection and other such negative emotions, and moving & instinctive center misuses it in excessive and vehement sensual indulgences & violent physical activity. When this wrong work of lower centers and misuse of sex energy is stopped, it becomes available for creative work and/or for transmutation. When it is transmuted by non-expression and transformation of negative emotions, or by right kind of Brahmacharya, it is converted into emanations, and this marks the birth of the Astral body (world-12) within the physical body- the real rebirth in this life itself (becoming dwiz).

1 comment:

  1. It is said in "In search of the miraculous" that Truth is not hidden(esoteric)the only thing is that most people do not recognize it, Here these are some Truthful articles one must make part of one's being
